Human Cannonball


Screenshot of Human Cannonball for Atari 2600


This game has 8 modes which can each be played with one or two players. The goal of the game is to shoot a person out of a cannon and have them land in a bucket of water at the top of a tower. You get a point for each successful landing and the computer gets a point for each failure. You want to reach 7 points before the computer does. In the first four modes, you can move the tower after the cannon is fired. The way you aim is by adjusting the location of the cannon, the speed, and the angle. In each mode there are one or two of these attributes that are fixed or chosen by the computer. You have to adjust the other options in order to land the shot. The first four modes weren't too difficult so they play better. The difficulty goes way up in the last four modes because you must also time your shot through a gap in a moving wall. The game has a cool concept but it just doesn't play like a fun game. It plays like a physics experiment where you test something out, take notes about adjustments that need to be made, and plot them.