Miniature Golf


Screenshot of Miniature Golf for Atari 2600


This is the first console golf game that we've come to and it didn't disappoint. The game can be played with one or two players and both modes are fun. Matches are nine holes and don't take a long time to complete. This is also the first console game I've come to that has a notion of levels (or in this case holes). Other games have had modes of play but not a single mode where you play through various different screens. There are 9 holes in this game of miniature golf. Each hole has par that is displayed at the start. You must putt the ball around and through blocks and avoid moving elements as well. The holes are a fair representation of what you would find on an actual course. The game has the right look and feel. Pretty well done for the time it was released. The gameplay falls short, however, because of the shot mechanics. You have to position the club excessively far away to hit the ball very hard. You also are limited by the boundary of the level you are on. If the ball is near the edge, you can't aim like you would in miniature golf. Instead you have to rely on strange ricochet type shots. Its not that these can't be fun and entertaining, its just that you have to play this different than the actual game. Getting your club back in the far corner and knocking the crap out of the ball is quite fun actually. This is exactly the type of approach you'll need to get those hole-in-ones. This was an enjoyable game. Each round left me thinking on ways to drop my score on the next time through the course.
