Videocart 1: Tic Tac Toe, Shooting Gallery, Doodle, and Quadradoodle


Screenshot of Videocart 1 Tic Tac Toe Shooting Gallery Doodle And Quadradoodle for Channel F
Screenshot of Videocart 1 Tic Tac Toe Shooting Gallery Doodle And Quadradoodle for Channel F
Screenshot of Videocart 1 Tic Tac Toe Shooting Gallery Doodle And Quadradoodle for Channel F
Screenshot of Videocart 1 Tic Tac Toe Shooting Gallery Doodle And Quadradoodle for Channel F



Its a simple game of tic-tac-toe. Options are very lacking. You always go first. There is no two player mode. The controls were reasonable and easy enough to use. The difficulty was right on. A good strategy almost always wins. It was a fun way to play a couple of games of tic-tac-toe. There is very little depth to the game itself and it only keeps you entertained for a short time. An early demonstration of what could be possible with computers and gaming, but not something I'd recommend today.

Shooting Gallery

A game of timing and angles. You have different speeds to mix up the challenge. It can be hard to tell where your shot will go at times. The pixelated paddle you shoot from just doesn't cut it for precision. I suppose as you play the game more, it might become easier. The straight shots were easy to time. Ricochet shots were fun and noticably more difficulty. The game also plays with distances which can increase the difficulty. There is a little delay when the target exits before it reenters. When the timing involves firing around this window it can be hard to hit. You get to see your shots fired vs hits. I had some fun trying to increase my accuracy through a couple of matches.


This isn't really a game and it isn't really fun at all. It's just doodling (only more difficult than actual doodling). You can change your pencil but you can't lift it up. This makes it hard to draw anything meaningful. This one is best left alone.


This reminds me of old screensavers for your PC. The Channel F doodles for you. You do have some control over colors, pencil size, and clearing the screen. I guess the most positive feature is that its not stressful to stare at for a few minutes.