Videocart 4: Spitfire >> Spitfire Guide For Channel F

Spitfire Guide For Channel F



Practice the flying controls and exiting and entering the screen until you get the hang of it. The AI can be relentless. Don't let it get behind you. If you ever try to circle around, the AI will circle also. Trust me, you'll give up before it does and exit the pattern. Then you are in a tough spot. Shot timing is important. Firing is not very rapid and cooldown can seem lengthy. Make your shots count. Utilize the exit and entering screen mechanics to throw off the AI. This can help out and save you if you ever get out of position.

Easter Egg

When prompted G? at the start. Press 3 on the console. Then proceed to enter the following 48 digit code: 343242124133231432142314322132342334111223324443 Take your time to make sure each number registers. If you have entered it successfully, the credit "Done By Michael K Glass" will flash on the screen and quickly go away.