Tricky Level 13: Lemming Drops



Level : Lemming Drops
Rating : Tricky
Level Number : 13
Lemmings : 80
Required Saved : 70%
Max Loss : 24
Time Limit : 8 Minutes
Quick Tip : Start with a blocker and build over the small gap


Make the first lemming a builder to get over the first gap to the wall. Make the second lemming a blocker to keep the rest contained. Use an athlete (climber + floater) to climb up over the wall and drop down on the small platform. Make it a builder and build up to the other wall. When your lemming turns around build back towards the start underneath the rest of your lemmings. Now get your lemming going back the other direction and once safely over the larger platform, you can dig down through the stairs you made earlier. At the edge of that platform build again to get across the hole and drop down to the stairs near the exit. Make the lemming a builder to prevent it from climbing out. Once turned around build back towards the previous platform. Once you get that lemming out the exit you can dig the rest of your lemmings out and watch them march to the finish. This strategy yields a 98 percent save. The one blocker you made at the first is unrecoverable.

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