Tricky Level 9: They Just Keep On Coming



Level : They just keep on coming
Rating : Tricky
Level Number : 9
Lemmings : 75
Required Saved : 93%
Max Loss : 5
Time Limit : 5 Minutes
Quick Tip : Send one lemming ahead to clear the way


There is a convenient trap just the right of the start that will keep your lemmings safe. Boost the release rate to max until you get close to the end of the 75 lemmings. Turn it back down so that the last few are spread out farther. With the last lemming build stairs up toward the stalagtite looking one-way wall by your collected lemmings. This will turn your lemming around so that you can tackle the left side of the map. Build over the gap. Make the lemming a floater to protect from the long drop on the far left. As soon as your lemming turns around build stairs up so that the rest don't have to worry about the fall. Bash through the one-way wall and then build over the pit to the finish. Use builders to free your confined lemmings and let them walk the safe path to the finish. You don't have a lot of spare time with this strategy so be hasty and nab that 100 percent.

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