Armored Encounter and Sub Chase


Screenshot of Armored Encounter And Sub Chase for Odyssey 2
Screenshot of Armored Encounter And Sub Chase for Odyssey 2


This cart has two games and both require a second player. Armored Encounter is a tank battle. You have three map options. One is open and two have barriers. The open one isn't very entertaining. There are modes where you fire straight and another where you can control your shot after its fired. I found the latter to be more fun. You can move forward and reverse and turn left and right. You are limited in ammo to 20 shots in a round. Once you run out, you are basically trying to run away for the rest of the match. There is a very annoying mechanic where if you get hit in a closer range, you don't have an opportunity to do anything and you just have to sit there until your opponent runs out of ammo. Lots of matches end up this way. Its very annoying and really ruined the game entirely for me. In Sub Chase, one player is a plane and the other is a sub. They fly opposite directions and are trying to fire shots at one another. You can each move up and down and slow or increase your speed. The different modes impact what your shot does when its fired. There are neutral ships between you that will take away points if you hit them. There is one mode where you can control your bullet moving it left and right to target your opponent. This one was the most fun for me. You don't have enough control in the other modes and it makes it too difficult to get a hit.