
Platform: Odyssey 2
Release Year: 1978


Screenshot of Football for Odyssey 2


In this early football game, you will need a second player because there is not a single player mode. You play with five offensive players and five defensive players. There are eight different plays that you can choose on offensive and four different defensive plays. You will need to memorize the plays. This makes it earier to hide what you are doing and with the limited play availability it is quite reasonable. There are two different game modes, collegiate (normal speed) and pro (high speed). I found that on collegiate level it was much more easy to run the ball. Passing can be difficult. You have to time your pass and angle with the route of your reciever which is easier said than done. You are given four downs to score, with no first down available. You also are allowed to punt or kick a field goal. There is a three minute game clock that is the entire game. The clock only runs during the plays so it is more time than you might think. This is the first football game that I've come to and I was pleasantly surprised with the experience.