Bowling and Basketball


Screenshot of Bowling And Basketball for Odyssey 2
Screenshot of Bowling And Basketball for Odyssey 2


This cart has a bowling game and a basketball game on it. I feel like they should have focused on a single game for the cart because neither of them was very impressive. Bowling played as expected but it seemed arbitrarily hard to pick up splits unlike other similar bowling games of the time. You play through ten frames and the computer keeps your score. This game notably had the first game over screen I've seen on a console game to date. It was bright red and awesome but also seemed out of place. A game over screen like that felt more appropriate for failing to complete something, not ending my game of bowling. I guess the game over kinks will be worked out later. Basketball was horrible. I never was able to get much control over my shots. It felt like RNG was at play instead of a timing based approach. The court and goals are two dimensional and the ball bounces excessively in the goals at times. There is also a strange mechanic where the ball exits the goal out the back of the wall and then drops down from the sky after each bucket. You have five minutes to play. It is possible to rollover if you get more than 99 points. There is no dribbling required in this one so its an accurate depiction of the NBA today. You also don't really move your legs, you just slide and hold your arms out. Those shoulder muscles must be on fire. It was a decent concept for basketball but didn't play smoothly or competitively enough to be fun.